Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fashionable Art

 I think the strength of a true designer is to bring beauty out of the unimagined. If not, then the designer is just random. Creativity inspires me - the ability to think out of the box. Spotted some works on they are not what you see everyday so I felt I should blog about it.

Everyone knows the ghana must go bag. the one you wouldn't want to travel abroad with but won't mind if it was a trip to the village. this dress is from the collection ''freeing your inner art" by LBDB at first sight i thought it was a gingham dress not knowing it was our very own ''ghana must go'' and also below is the mattress inspired skirt designed by Ituen Basi. I must say  that these are not items i would wear but i am definitely inspired


Osas said...

The last pic looks very 50s and 60s ish. I like it ;-)